Jane's Thirteen Favorite Josh Groban Songs In Honor of the Arrival of Awake, Josh's new cd on 7 November 2006!I LOVE Josh Groban's music. Have you heard him? Gorgeous voice. Gorgeous man. I think he looks like Lord Byron reincarnated and sings like one of God's Angels. His new cd comes out on Tuesday, 7 November, so I thought I would honor him with 13 of my favorite Josh songs. These are listed in no particular order.
AOL has all 13 of the songs on the new album for you to listen to, if you can't wait until Tuesday (I can't wait!).
So, without further ado, here are 13 of my favorite Josh Groban songs (some of the song links take you to clips, the ones from
Awake are the full song):
Romeo and Juliet, from
Awake. It is the song from the old
Romeo & Juliet film starring Olivia Hussey. Josh sings it in Italian. Time to faint!
You Raise Me Up From
. When I sing along with this song I consider it a prayer to God. He always raises me up.
You Are Loved (Don't Give Up) from
Awake. This is a beautiful reminder that we are all God's creatures and we are all loved.
Alla Luce Del Sole From
Josh Groban
. Italian! His voice is so gorgeous on this one.
Remember When It Rained From
. Very powerful.
Mi Morena From
Josh Groban Live at The Greek (CD/DVD)
. In English. I just love the way he sounds in this one and the music.
Cinema Paradiso From
Josh Groban
. In Italian. Beautiful!
Remember From the
Troy: Music From The Motion Picture (Score)
Soundtrack. Very haunting.
Canto Alla Vita From
Josh Groban
. In Italian. Full of life and joy.
Per Te From
. In Italian. What can I say? I LOVE listening to Josh sing in Italian.
All Improvviso Amore From
. In Italian.
Believe From
The Polar Express 
Un Amore Per Sempre From
Josh Groban
. In Italian.
BONUS I keep listening to
Lullaby. From
Awake. It is so gorgeous and soothing! I want to listen to it as I fall asleep tonight.
What is your favorite Josh Groban song?
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