Sunday, September 17, 2006

A Little RR!

My favorite Food Network personality and cookbook author Rachael Ray has a new television show! It starts tomorrow on ABC and you can find out what time it will be showing where you live on the official site, which is here. Lots of fun things on the site.

It looks like it will be a really fun show and not so serious and "I know what's best" like lots of talk shows out there. Rachael is fun and entertaining. Plus, there'll be cooking every day!

Rach is my cooking role model! I have all (most) of her cookbooks. I get her magazine. I love her shows on the Food Network. What I really love about 30 Minute Meals, in particular, is that Rachael shows you how to time things. I think that is the hardest part of cooking for me: getting everything to finish at the same time. I use my 30 Minute Meal cookbooks all the time. Seriously, whenever I am going to make dinner, the first thing I do is go through my RR cookbooks. I have found a ton of new favorites in them and the other recipes all look good, even if I don't usually like some of the ingredients.

Rachael rarely uses really expensive ingredients and everything is pretty easy to find. If it is something a bit more pricy or unusual, Rachael tries to use it in several recipes, so it is worth the expense/experiment.

Rachael is hilarious and so completely herself! She is always laughing and very full of life. Oh, and one of my favorite things about her is that she always says, "If you prefer this or have this instead of that, go ahead and use it!" Very refreshing because some chefs (MS, anyone?!) seem to think that only certain, fancy, expensive, or items of food you don't like are acceptable.

If you haven't seen Rachael's Food Network Shows, you should really watch her new talk show. I think it looks like lots of fun!

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