Sunday, March 16, 2008

Josh Groban as Mr. Darcy!?!?

In my dreams! :) Over at one of my favorite blogs, Jane Austen Today, Ms. Place is having another fantastic contest: a Pride and Prejudice Musical Contest. This one is so clever and exciting!

Here is how to enter:

I have put together my ideal Pride and Prejudice musical cast. You can disagree with my choices. Just leave a comment suggesting other singer/s and in which role they should sing. You may make as many suggestions as you like, but all your nominees must be singers. At the end of two weeks (March 29), I shall place the names of everyone who left a suggestion in a hat and draw the winner.
Ms. Place has chosen my favorite, Josh Groban, as my favorite, Mr. Darcy, and Emmy Rossum, who was fabulous in The Phantom of the Opera, as Lizzie Bennet. Oh, and gorgeous Gerard Butler as Mr. Wickham! I can't argue with any of those choices! Use the above link to read the rest of Ms. Place's musical cast and enter your own! I know I plan to do so.

The winner gets a cd copy of "Pride and Prejudice, the Musical" by Rita Abrams and Josie Brown. You can listen to clips by visiting Ms. Place's post for the links.

I will post my cast here and in the comments on Ms. Place's post after I have thought about it for awhile.

Good luck!

Josh Groban as Mr. Darcy?!?! Oh la la!


Vic said...

I cannot WAIT to see your choices for the cast, Lady Jane!! Thank you for advertising this contest. Anyone who leaves their comments on your blog can simply cut and paste their thoughts on the comment section of my blog. The more comments you make, the greater your chances are of winning!

Let the ideal casting choices begin!

Lady Jane said...

Thank you, Ms. Place! I am excited to think about who I would cast. My dear friend Lady Lori loves thinking up who she would cast for movies, etc., and loves Josh and Jane Austen. I must tell her about the contest.

What a great idea to cut and paste. Thank you!

And, may I say, brilliant idea!!!