Name a funny habit you have.
Let me think . . . I don't know if it is funny, but I always take a ton of books with me on vacations, etc. You never know when you will finish a book and have time to start the next one!
If you could instantly know how to play a musical instrument, which one would you pick?
I would pick the piano because it is so beautiful.
How long is your hair?
My hair is just at my shoulders.
Main Course
When was the last time you forgave someone, and who was it?
Confession: I'm rather bad at forgiving because I'm stubborn, but my sister today.
What is your favorite kitchen appliance?
Oh, tough one. I don't usually use many appliances, but I would have to say my hand-mixer.
More feasting here.
Great feast!
I'd take some books with me on my vacations too!!
Happy Friday!
Thanks, Melody! Happy Friday!
Your book comment is so true! I always leave home carrying at least one and most usually end up buying at least a couple more (overpriced) ones from the touristy shops at my destination...
Awesome feast! Have a lovely, relaxing weekend...
Great feast. I take a lot of books too, usually more than I could ever read but I just don't want to be without!!
My feast is up too.
Thanks for sharing your feast, especially your soup :)
Have a great weekend! :)
I love my mixer too! Great feast.
So with you on the extra books! I was stranded on a cruise and finished my book. Sigh! Was trying to say weight in my luggage. That'll learn me! Great Feast!
I have been told I can't take more than three books on family vacations....laughing
I've taken a book with me before on vacations, but not several. They're too heavy for all that! LOL
Lady Jane, I have been wanting a hand mixer. I don't like having to pull out the big mixer back in the cupboard.
Great feast. Thanks for visiting mine.
Thank you all for visiting! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who likes to take tons of books everywhere (not that I would really care if I was the only one!).
I like my hand mixer, but I wish I had a KitchenAid, too. :)
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