Friday, July 20, 2007

HP Party Time!

We are about to leave for the Harry Potter Party! In a little over 3 hours, we will have our Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows!


Dapoppins said...

So???? How was the party??? Did you meet a lot of nice people? I hope to hear all about it.

Lady Jane said...

The party was a lot of fun! There were activities and we all had report cards, which were stamped. When we "graduated," we got a darling little Gryffindor tassle with a charm that said "7-21-07" on it. I saw some of my students. And then my friend Lady Lori and I stayed up until 6:30am Saturday reading the book. I finished it Sunday at 7:07pm (but I didn't read straight through the weekend). It is absolutely brilliant and couldn't end in any other way.