Sunday, July 02, 2006

Happy Independence Day!

I will be out at the lake until Wednesday, so I wanted to wish you a Happy Independence Day!

My post from last year is
here. You will find the text of the Declaration of Independence there. Read it, take it to heart, and live it.

On this Independence Day, we must remember those who have responded to the call of Freedom and took up arms to create, preserve, and defend our beloved Nation against the wicked who seek to destroy us.

This is the greatest country in the history of the earth and we are so very blessed to be Americans. Never forget that.

Have a great 4th of July!

Happy Birthday to our beloved country!

Happy Independence Day!


Anonymous said...

I am your KTC's Traveling Women book swap partner and I wanted to say hello. I didn't get an email addy for you, so I had to say hello here. You can email me at:
lips_chicken at yahoo dot com and let me know some extra stuff about you and your family. This is going to be fun!

Mama Duck said...

Happhy 4th to you as well, hope you are having a great time!

Lady Jane said...

Great, thanks, Chicken Lips! :) I will e-mail you. It will be fun!

Thanks, Lil Duck Duck! Happy Independence Day!